SQL Server 2005 中引入的 xp_cmdshell 选项是服务器配置选项, 使系统管理员能够控制是否可以在系统上执行 xp_cmdshell 扩展存储过程。
1. 如何在sql server 2005 中开启xp_cmdshell
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-- To allow advanced options to be changed. EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 GO -- To update the currently configured value for advanced options. RECONFIGURE GO -- To enable the feature. EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1 GO -- To update the currently configured value for this feature. RECONFIGURE GO
2. 如何查询sql server 2005 拓展存储过程xp_cmdshell 状态
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SELECT*FROM sys.configurations where name='xp_cmdshell' GO
查看value的值, 1 为开启, 0 为关闭
3. 如何查看public角色对哪些拓展存储过程有执行权限
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select sysusers.name, sysobjects.name, sysprotects.action from sysobjects, sysusers, sysprotects where sysobjects.id=sysprotects.id and sysprotects.uid = sysusers.uid and sysprotects.protecttype=205and sysprotects.action=224and (sysusers.name='public'or sysusers.name='guest' ) and sysobjects.type='X'